The new installment of Noble Rot is a righteous ride through the best in food and wine where we...
- Meet the godfather of London fine dining chef Albert Roux,
- Visit Pomerol,
- Feature three brilliant new columns by all time food hero Simon Hopkinson, Sunday Times critic Marina O'Loughlin and Kill Your Friends author John Niven,
- Meet up with Loire natural wine maker Jean Pierre Robinot,
- Have a 'quick snifter' with VICE media's Shane Smith,
- Present the first in an occasional series of Gastronomic Top Trumps, and
- Conduct pseudo-cutting-edge research on whether music makes wine taste better. With a panel featuring BBC 6 Music Breakfast Show hosts Shaun Keaveny and Matt Everitt, and The Wine Advocate’s Neal Martin.
Rotten articles by and featuring Jon Bonné, Jean- Louis Chave, Stephen Harris, Rowley Leigh, Bruce Poole, Château-Grillet, Jeremy Lee, Kate Spicer, Alice Lascelles, George Reynolds and William Kelley among much more.